![]() Memoria Press is a favorite in our home school so I was thrilled to review Prima Latina, a Latin curriculum for primary grades. We enjoyed Latina Christiana over the years, so I was excited to see the course we missed because Prima Latina is the prequel to Latina Christiana. The kit I received had a teacher's manual, DVD to watch, Audio CD to listen to pronunciation, study cards, and the student workbook. It has been several years since I've taught Latin, so I pulled out the teacher's manual to get started. It was so helpful to read the beginning and as I read, I remembered a lot from the past. One thing that helped was to know the goals of the course. I will share them with you. 1. Learn basic Latin alphabet and ponunciation of vowels and consonant sounds 2. Pronounce, spell, and translate 125 Latin words 3. Learn 25 practical Latin expressions and 4 prayers 4. Learn numbers 1 to 10 5. Learn names of constellations derived from Latin 6. Understand concepts of derivatives (English words we get from Latin roots) 7. Grammar (parts of speech, conjugating, declining, 1st declension noun endings, 1st declension verb endings) Now, I was ready to begin and teach confidently. For each lesson, we followed the same pattern. We listened to the CD and said the words along with the CD. Then we watched the video lesson, followed by the workbook pages. We checked the workbook pages together. In between lessons, the cards were used for memorizing. After every five lessons, there was a review. My favorite part of the lesson was the DVD. The class was taught for me. I learned right along with the teacher! I found this material easy to teach, easy for the children to learn, and though it's meant for primary grades, I would use it for older kids, too. It would be a great way to teach the entire family Latin. We really enjoyed it!
![]() Drive Thru History (R) is a favorite at our house, so we were all excited to watch Drive Thru History (R) "Acts to Revelation". Wow! Another amazing video series that takes us back in time to the days of Acts and Revelation from The Bible. The DVD set includes 18 episodes (30 minutes each) for an amazing homeschool Bible curriculum or homeschool history curriculum. We are using it now for Bible, but later I will use it when we study Ancient History. Here are the Episodes 1. The Gospel Shared at Pentecost 2. The Church Grows in Jerusalem 3. The Gospel Spreads to the Gentiles 4. Saul of Tarsus and the Road to Damascus 5. Paul's First Missionary Journey: The Island of Cyprus 6. The Journey Continues: Pamphylia, Galatia, & Asia Minor 7. The Jerusalem Council & Paul's Second Missionary Journey 8. The Second Journey Continues: Philippi & Thessolonica 9. A Road Trip to Athens 10. Ancient Corinth 11. Paul's Third Missionary Journey: Ephesus 12. Paul's Final Trip to Jerusalem & Cesarea 13. Adventures at Sea: The Island of Malta 14. A Final Journey to Rome 15. The Martyrdom of Paul & Peter 16. John and the Island of Patmos 17. The Seven Churches of Revelation 18. The Book Closes on the New Testament Period First of all, the DVD set and Study Guide are beautiful. They come inside a package that looks like a book. The photos in the study guide are clear, gorgeous, and glossy like a coffee table book. I am just excited to own this so I can take it out and look at it. ![]() Victoria lives in London with her Mum and Dad. Her Mum is Brazilian. Victoria goes to Brazil with her Mom to visit her family. Mum and Victoria fly into San Paulo and travel to the Parana State where all Mum's relatives live. Victoria travels from place to place meeting cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles, a great-grandmother, and old friends of her Mum. There is great variety in the places she visits from a coffee farm to Itu where everything is REALLY BIG! Victoria sees micro monkeys, parakeets, fishing boats, churches, capybara (giant guinea pigs), casava flour, fruit trees, flowers, and watermelon juice. The book uses bright, cheery photographs to illustrate Victoria's story of visiting her family in Brazil. I love the photos. They are amazing! They give a realistic picture to readers of family life in Brazil, but they also appeal to children with the bright colors, children, family love, and cute little animals. It really is like looking at someone's scrapbook. I love to use picture books to teach geography to little ones. Victoria goes to Brazil would be enjoyed by children from ages 4 to 8, but it would also be a fun family read to kick off your geography studies in South America. Children will be introduced to a specific region in Brazil and you can see where it is on the map page. In addition, they will learn about industries, animals, plants, landforms, food, and culture. ![]() "Interesting," I thought unpacking the box with a Victus Study Skills System Teacher Edition, Student Workbook, Student Workbook Elementary, and Student Workbook College from Victus Study Skills System. "Oh, wow! They included a Student Planner, a Student Workbook Primary Grades, Teacher Supplement Elementary, and Teacher Supplement Primary. There is so much here!" As I leafed through all the material from Victus Study Skills System, I realized that it all dove-tailed perfectly so that all ages could learn the same things at the same time! I love that! These study skills workbooks and lessons are perfect for those who want their children to grow in test taking, organization, scheduling, and other good learning habits. Knowing that, I thought of a family that I have been mentoring. Each of the children are very smart, but struggle to complete schoolwork, wake up early, and do well on tests. The family likes to stay up late and everyone gets easily distracted. I have shared many of the things in this system, but never in a systemic way. And I hadn't shared all of it. I showed the parents the materials I had received and asked if they would like to explore the first and second lesson with me. They have children ranging from 10 years old in elementary to a college student. It took awhile to juggle all of our schedules, but we finally met for our first session to cover Lesson one and two. I used the Teachers Edition to teach and handed out the various workbooks to appropriate family members. I also made a copy of the learning styles assessment for each of the seven family members. When they arrived, we sat down in the family room and started by talking about where we are and where we want to be in five years. Everyone shared. Then I explained, directly from the Teachers edition that each scenario needed the "study skills" in this system. After all these are more than study skills, they are life skills that will be used in the future by homemakers, grad students, and in any career where a person wants to advance. |
AuthorsMeredith Curtis Archives
February 2020